calibtools: a camera calibration toolbox

This package is a repository for some useful scripts for performing camera calibration in Python. It requires the following modules:

  • OpenCV’s Python bindings
  • moviepy
  • numpy

The calibtools utlity

The calibtools package provides one command-line utility which is named, unimaginatively, calibtools. The command-line interface documentation is reproduced below:

    calibtools (-h | --help) | --version
    calibtools calib [-v... | --verbose...] [--start=INDEX] [--duration=NUMBER]
        [--skip=NUMBER] [-o FILE | --output=FILE] [--shape=WxH] <video>
    calibtools undistort [-v... | --verbose...] [--start=INDEX]
        [--duration=NUMBER] (-o FILE | --output=FILE) <calibration> <video>

Common options:
    -h --help               Show a command line usage summary.
    -v --verbose            Be verbose in logging progress. Repeat to increase
    --version               Output this tool's version number.

    -o FILE --output=FILE   Write output to FILENAME. The default behaviour is
                            to write to standard output unless noted otherwise
                            in an individual command's documentation.

    --start=INDEX           Start processing from frame INDEX (0-based).
    --duration=NUMBER       Read at most NUMBER frames from input.

    <video>                 Read input frames from <video>. This must be in a
                            format which OpenCV can understand.

Calibration options:
    --skip=NUMBER           Only process every NUMBER-th frame. Note that this
                            does not affect the interpretation of --duration. A
                            skip of 10 frames with a duration of 20 will result
                            in 2 frames of output. [default: 10]
    --shape=WxH             Checkerboard has WxH internal corners.
                            [default: 8x6]

Undistort options:
    <calibration>           A file containing calibration information in JSON
                            format as output by calibtools calib.